Friday, December 10, 2010

Warm, Cold, Emerald



Just put a bunch of tints on the pictures to make them look all different

Ink Sketch, Cross Processing, My Own Custom Shape

Cross Processing

Ink Sketch

Custom Shape

I don't exactly remember the long process ... of any of these ... but they look nice, right ?

David Hockney

This is my bear, Barry, I replicated a man named David Hokney and he takes a whole picture and makes them look like a bunch of little pictures.

Find the Differences ...

I layer masked a bunch off objects out of one picture ( usually the one on the left is the one thats altered) and now you have to find the differences ...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I replicated the Style of Jen Sloan she took pictures of different sides of buildings and put them together while i used people . all i really did was take the heads of some people i know and layer mask them onto other peoples bodies and a scarecrow body ... and threw in a Christmas background and a picture of a cat in a present box and put Mr.PolarBears head on it

Monday, November 29, 2010


this is a picture that i made look all old. i desaturated the picture to first make it all black and white. then i put a layer of yellow and another of white over the picture and changed the opacity. added some "coffee stains" with a special paint brush. and made the edges look torn with another kind of paint brush

Monday, November 22, 2010


these two pictures are made completely from letters that have been flipped and turned into an object . my "Ant Bug" and "people flying a kite with a dog"


i did the same thing to all of these pictures ... i just sharpened the image to make them look all better and in focus ... no, i don't remember how i did it

LightS !!

this is my fire shooter guy. he took entirely to long to make . i don't exactly remember the process . but i do remember i had to make a long empty box filled it with white . then i smudged the bottom a couple times to make it look like a q-tip . made the little squiggles by making a skinny oval shape and filling it with white and twisting them to make them squiggle ... added some sparkle dust with a sparkle brush and changed the color to blue !!! tah-da fire shooter guy !
i made an shape and duplicated it a bunch of times and transformed it until it was all filled out and then i turned it purple....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Off the Page

for this project i had to make something look like it was coming off the page. so i made my cat look like she was coming out of the grass and walking onto a sidewalk. i had a background of grass. quick selected the cat refined the edges and copy and pasted it to the grass background and stuck in a skewed block of white empty space for sidewalk.


this is what i had to do for a midterm grade i took the two guys from another picture quick selected them out of the page refined the edges and then copy and pasted them to the background. i undocked the fire hydrant masked the background and put it next to then sign thingy. and i made the two guys have shadow type things. by copying them and painting them black and putting the gaussian blur filter on them.

Friday, October 22, 2010



Thursday, October 14, 2010

Carter Mountain

 for this picture i made ecverything black and white and then i erased the black and white on the shrub .
for this picture i color corrected the gourds and threw in some text .

i turned this picture in to a sepia picture and then i colored back in the sky the mountains and trees are sepia but not the sky .
i turned this picture black and white, also. but i made the pumpkin have color and gave the picture some text.

for my scarecrow picture all i did was color correct it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

visual puns

this is my " space ship " i goggled space for a background . then quick selected , copy and pasted a ship to it and threw in a space guy !

my " Watch Dog " . i googled watch . stuck it on a blue background and then quick selected parts of a dog and stuck them to the watch .

Friday, October 8, 2010

Change my Look

first i found the backround of a shark and then I colored Wawa's hair purple and quick selected a ribbon and put it on the shark and made her a talk bubble !!!

found a background dyed my hair black at the top and white at the bottom quickselected me and pasted me to the background added a polar bear.... and the random sled !!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tools Review !!

i picked a background of a picture that i took . then i used the quick selection tool to cut out my dog and my cat . i then colored the cats fur . and copy and pasted them to the background.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another kaleidoscope !!!


keke kaleidoscope

Basically, i did a bunch of cropping , making a bunch copy making and pasting and maneuvering around to make keke all kaleidoscope-y .

Friday, September 24, 2010

with this picture i chose the pencil filter , changed the thickness of the pencil and then once i was done with that i changed the hue/saturation of the pencil lines and made them look kind of black and yellow-ish .

i used the Sumi-e filter on this pictue and once i finished with that i posterized the picture and then i changed the color balance .

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

J.R. 2

Keke Cat

What i did to J.R.'s picture i did the same for my cat Keke .... except i had to make her eyes cause she had none ....

J.R. --Dots !

First i made him into a black and white (monotone) picture. Then changed the threshold to whatever level . colored each layer and selected the blue color layer for my bendy dots -- which are actually lines ...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Magic Wand

i used the quick selection tool to take the orange shapes and turn them into Billy Bob .

Friday, September 3, 2010

Crazy Combos !!!! ( EAGLAT )

This is my Anamorph ...his name is the Eaglat ! He's part eagle , cow , cat and elephant tusk . i used the quick selection tool to cut out my animal parts and i morphed them together and called it a day .....

All About Me !!!!!

So basically i had to choose 10 things i like cut them out with the quick selection tool, refine the edges, and paste them so that they look good on a colored backround with my name !